About Sarc
What does SARC Stand For?
SARC (The Sexual Assault/Spouse Abuse Resource Center) is Harford County’s lifeline to victims, potential victims, and survivors of domestic violence, sexual violence, child abuse and stalking. Working within the community, we are the catalyst for the eradication and prevention of violence.

Our Mission
We are a lifeline for victims and survivors of domestic violence, sexual violence, and stalking by providing safe haven, advocacy, resources, and hope in Harford County.
SARC’S History
SARC was established in 1978 after a year-long, grassroots effort by Harford County residents reacting to a lack of services and support for victims of sexual violence. Their focus very quickly included victims of domestic violence whose presence in Harford County was consistent with the national numbers at that time. The Harford County Commission for Women was instrumental in arranging funding for the new center. In the spring of 1978, funds from a federal grant, a state grant, and the county made it possible to open the center in the Community Services Building in Aberdeen, Maryland. The existing hotline service was merged with the rape crisis/battered spouse hotline and was covered by trained volunteers.
During the next decade, SARC moved twice and is now located in Bel Air. The agency has grown to include a domestic violence program, a sexual violence program, a legal advocacy program, a 40 bed shelter, community outreach and education services, 24-hour Helpline and an administrative staff.
All of SARC’s services are offered in a confidential environment of trust, respect, and mutual accountability without regard to race, creed, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, or economic circumstances.
All of SARC’s services are offered free of charge, so in order to continue providing the numerous resources to those fleeing the abuse in their lives, SARC relies on community support. SARC offers a wide variety of opportunities to support our mission of coming together to end abuse.
Ways You Can Help
Your donation can make a difference – consider improving someone’s life today!